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Locations play a crucial role in enhancing reporting and communication within your business. This will help provide a structured way to organise and associate customers with specific geographical entities. 

How Locations work 

Locations are automatically assigned to customers based on the location assigned to the user who created them in the Pooltrackr system. The details of the logged-in user's location are prominently displayed at the bottom of the water test reports. Additionally, emailed water test reports are sent from the location's email address, streamlining communication and ensuring clarity for recipients.

Creating a Location 

1. Go to Setup → Team.

2. Click on the Location tab and click on the Add Location button at the top-right corner of the location page. 

3. Enter the location details needed. A form will appear prompting you to enter specific details about the location. Ensure to provide accurate and relevant information.

  • Location Name
  • Address
  • Contact Information
  • Email Address (used for communication related to this location)

4. After entering all necessary details and assigning users, save the changes to create the new location successfully. 

Automatic Assignment of Locations

Locations are automatically assigned to customers based on the geographical location of the user. This streamlines the process, ensuring that customers are associated with the correct location without manual intervention.

Display of Location Details on Water Test Reports

The details of the logged-in user's location will be prominently displayed at the bottom of the water test reports. This feature aids in providing context and clarity regarding the origin of the report.

Email Communication from Location Email Address

Emailed water test reports are sent from the specific location's email address rather than the business's general email. This ensures that communication is personalised and helps recipients easily identify the source of the communication. By effectively managing locations, your business can optimise reporting, enhance communication, and maintain a streamlined organisational structure.

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