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Add new user.

This article outlines the straightforward steps of creating new users within your Pooltrackr account. In this section, learn how to tailor user profiles to reflect individual responsibilities and streamline communication within the platform.

Creating a New User

1.  Go to Setup → Team. 

2. Click on Add User found at the top-right corner of the page. 

3. Start setting up the user details by adding the necessary information.

  1. Profile
    → First name
    → Last name
    → Email
    → Location [Insert location KB link]
    → Applicable tags [Insert tags KB link]
    → External ID (If applicable)

  2. Role

    → You can select any of the pre-defined roles or create and customise one using the steps outlined in the User Roles and Permissions article.
  3. Password

    → The password must contain 8 characters, one uppercase, one lowercase, one number and one specialcase character.

  4. Working Hours

    → Set the working hours for the user. This can be changed anytime.

4. Click on Save found at the upper right-hand side of the page.

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