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Deactivate user.


This article takes a closer look at the process of archiving users, drawing a clear distinction from deleting a user. We'll delve into when to opt for deactivation over deletion and provide practical insights for admins seeking a more thoughtful and strategic approach to user management.

Deactivating a user 

1. Go to Setup → Team

2. Look for the user you want to deactivate. 

3.  In that user's row, toggle the switch below the Active column.

4. A warning prompt will pop up asking for confirmation. Select 'Ok' to proceed with the deletion.

What happens once a user is deactivated 

  • The user will still be shown under the Job | Calendar view. An 'eye slash' icon is placed beside the deactivated user indicating that the user is hidden/deactivated.

  • In the users list, the deactivated user will be placed below the 'Unassigned' placeholder for unassigned jobs.

  • The jobs will stay assigned to the deactivated user.

  • Assigned jobs to a deactivated user cannot be rescheduled while it's still assigned to the same user. You can, however, move these jobs around to an active user.

Deactivating Vs. Deletion

Deactivating a user is a reversible action. It temporarily restricts the user's access to Pooltrackr without permanently removing them. When a user is deactivated, the jobs stay assigned to them and this also frees up a slot based on the user role\permissions. 

You cannot undo the deletion of a user. Once deleted, the user's account and associated data are permanently removed from the system. However, before deleting the user, you will be asked to select a user to whom the jobs can be reassigned. This action is appropriate when there is no intention of retaining any information related to that user.

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