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Setup - Email.

In the Email section under the job setup field, you can set the intro message to be sent to your customers upon job completion. On this page, you can personalise the messaging -- you can tailor the message to include specific details about the completed job, such as the services rendered or any special instructions.

Accessing the Job Email settings

Go to Setup → Jobs → Email to access the email setup page. 

A. This is the email address you want customers to reply to. If left blank, the organisation email will be used instead.

B. Personalise your customer communications using the pre-defined sample merge tags. These merge tags allow you to dynamically insert customer-specific or organisation-related information into your messages, making them more relevant and engaging.

C. This is where you can customise the whole messaging. The message you will set here will be the default messaging in the Preview and Send page upon job completion but can be changed according to your preference. 

D. These toggle options will allow you to include the job photos, invoice, and job sheet in the email. 

E. Click the Preview Email option to check how the email will look on the customer's end. 

F.  Click the Save button to apply all the changes. 

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