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Contact categories

Contact categories enable you to group and filter your contacts. The categories that you create through the Contact Categories page will show within the Category drop-down when creating a new customer/contact. 

Check out the contact details guide to learn more.

Accessing Contact Categories page 

Navigate to Setup → Custome fields → Contact categories

Creating a new contact category 

1. To create a new contact category, click on the New Category button at the top right corner of the screen. 

2. A new window will pop up and then enter the category name. 

3. Click on Save.

Contact Category Page 


A. Search field -  Click the search categories bar and enter a portion of the category name to auto-search. 

B. Category name - This is where each existing categories are displayed. 

C. Edit Contact category - Clicking on the pencil icon will allow you to edit the category. 

D. Delete Contact category - Clicking the trash icon will delete the contact category. A warning window will appear asking to confirm the deletion. 

Contact categories which are currently assigned to a contact cannot be deleted. 

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